Closing Time

The official news statement: A long time downtown establishment has closed its doors after 14 years in Cleveland, Tennessee. The Catch Bar and Grill, owned by Michael Poore and Clay Walker, with Michael Poore as Executive Chef, specialized in fresh seafood and upscale catering. The restaurant, located at 233 Inman Street, announced its closure two weeks ago. 

And those are the facts, summed up in one nice, short, precise paragraph. But I think there is much more to the story that needs to be told, the history, the memories, and the meals shared. 

When my daughter Logan was 7, she accompanied me to a Christmas Tree Auction/Fundraiser at the Museum Center at Five Points. I am not sure if it was Logan or me that stumbled on Michael Poore first. He fell in love with a colbalt blue tree I had decorated for the event and he was determined to purchase it no matter the price, and I have to admit, it was stunning. And that is where our friendship began. 

I have no idea how our paths had not crossed before then. I worked downtown and had (and still have) a real passion for downtown events, happenings, etc. I was involved in the Museum Center, MainStreet Cleveland and anything and everything to do with downtown. 

Michael and his partner, Clay, had purchased a building in the new and upcoming area of Five Points. They had remodeled the upstairs into a fabulous loft and were living there while working on the remodel of the downstairs- what would become affectionately known as The Catch. I met Michael right after the doors of the restaurant opened.

It started out for me as a nice, quick place to grab a glass of wine with friends. When Logan was young she took dance lessons two blocks from The Catch, and you guessed it, it was the perfect place to sit with my friends for an hour or so until dance classes were over. 

And it soon turned out to be a safe haven for me, a comfort zone, it became like my second home. I’m feeling lonely- I head to The Catch. I’m feeling social- I head to The Catch. The first warm day of spring- I head to The Catch patio. The first cold day of fall- I head to The Catch for their fabulous gumbo. 

So many friendships evolved at The Catch, casual friendships and life long friendships. So many nights I will never forget- birthday parties, wedding receptions, after parties, the Feasts of the Seven Fishes, wine dinners, wine tastings, memorial gatherings, Halloween parties and most recently my bonus son’s wedding dinner. 

We have celebrated so many things inside those walls and I have been very emotional about the closing. But the feeling that rises to the top is gratefulness. Grateful for a couple that had a vision for downtown growth and revitalization. Grateful for a couple that a vision for a local, seafood restaurant in Cleveland, TN. Grateful for a couple that became not only my friends but a dear part of my chosen family. 

The restaurant business is hard- tight margins, long hours, product availability issues. And let’s face it, I don’t think anyone has ever made a fortune with a local restaurant, it is a calling and a passion. And although I am sad to see The Catch close, I am so happy for my friends to enjoy their retirement after working so hard for so long. 

There are specific moments at The Catch that will forever be etched in my memory:

-The day we named our wine drinking friend group, The FOKRs, because we couldn’t fit all our names on the sympathy card for the flowers we were sending to Kathy Rohsenbeger’s dad’s funeral. By the way, FOKRs stands for “Friends of Kathy Rohsenberger”.

-My first date with my husband, Jay Goza. He waited until they brought the menus to tell me he was allergic to shellfish. 

-My first “ambush” by my daughter to go with her Uncle Michael and Clay to the Beyonce concert, front row, in Nashville. I was worried they would lose her, instead they lost Clay.

There is not enough ink in the barrel to record all the meals and vino consumed and the friends and relationships made at The Catch.  I have always joked that surely I have earned a table with my name on it by now. There is one unwavering fact- things change and time marches on. As for me, I will cherish the memories and anxiously await what is next for 233 Inman Street.

It’s closing time.

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Peach Vanilla Jam

Gilliland’s Peach Orchard is located in Cleveland, TN and I am pretty sure they have the best peaches in world. People come from all over for their super sweet peaches. I love fresh peaches however, I do not like canned peaches- I think it is a texture thing. So this year I decided to make a run of peach jam. And at the very last minute, I decided to throw in some vanilla paste.

While I would love to tell you I created a sophisticated peach jam recipe, the truth is I followed the instructions on the back of the Sure Jell box. No need to reinvent the wheel. Full disclosure- this is my first time making peach jam.

For this run, I purchased a peck of peaches. The final result was 30 half pint jars of golden goodness. I had no idea I was going to end up with this much, and if I had it to do over again, a half peck would have been the perfect amount to begin this peach jam journey.

You may assume I am going to slather the jam on homemade biscuits, and that is true. But I am also going to use it on cheese boards, add to iced tea, hot tea, ice cream, pancakes and anything and everything else that comes to mind.

Helpful Hint: The easiest way to peel a peach is to drop it into boiling water for a couple of minutes and then straight into an ice bath. This method insures minimal waste. After peeled, I used a hand chopper to dice the peaches into consistent pieces. This yielded 20 cups of diced peaches, 5 quart.

To preserve the jam, I used the water bath method. A good water bath canner, Ball jars, Ball rings, and a canning kit all come in handy.

Peach Vanilla Jam

A beautiful jar of golden goodness.


1 peck of peaches, peeled and diced. Approximately 20 cups (5 quart)
14 cups sugar
2.5 boxes Sure Jell
1/8 cup vanilla


Bring all ingredients to a boil except the vanilla. Skim any foam that rises to the top. Let boil for 15-20 minutes until it starts to thicken. Stir in the vanilla and fill up the sterilized jars. Water bath for 20 minutes.

Make this recipe your own. You could easily omit the vanilla or substitute almond extract.

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Cantaloupe Cucumber Summer Salad

I love a good summer salad and this one hits all the marks. Cool, sweet, salty- all the feels. And just the right amount of acid. I would serve this on its own or with a nice piece of salmon or chicken, but it will go with absolutely anything.

When using feta, buy the block of feta, not the crumbled feta. It is much better when you crumble it yourself. Also be careful when adding salt when you use feta. Feta is very salty and many times you can omit the salt or at least cut back on the amount. You don’t have to add feta. A nice burrata would be good or simply serve it over some cottage cheese. Don’t judge me on my love of cottage cheese. It has tons of protein and is the perfect compliment to the summer veggies and fruit that’s coming in right now. If you have someone in your house that doesn’t like cottage cheese, try throwing it into mini food processor and whipping it. I called this whipped cheese at my house, because if I called it cottage cheese, no one but me would eat it. I make creamy dressing with it, put it on bagels…you get the picture.

For the acid, today I used used apple cider vinegar, but try out different acids such as lime, white balsamic, red wine vinegar. I love to play around with acids.

If by chance, you have cut your cantaloupe and it isn’t quite as sweet as you hoped, you can add a touch of honey to the dressing. A little honey never hurt anyone or anything.

My herb of choice for this is fresh basil, but if you are a mint lover, you could definitely substitute it.

This dish is beautiful with all the summer colors. Be sure to serve it in something that makes the colors pop- a white bowl, a wooden bowl or even a clear glass bowl would be nice.

For the wine lovers, I would pair this with a good sauvignon blanc, one of my favorites is Emmolo. A nice crisp chardonnay, like Mer Soleil Silver would also be lovely. Both of these are by Caymus and very good quality and excellent price point.

Cantaloupe Cucumber Strawberry Salad

An unforgettable simple summer salad.


4 cups diced cantaloupe
2 cups diced cucumber
3/4 cup diced red onion
4 ounces feta cheese
fresh basil
freshly ground black pepper

3 tbsp good olive oil
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar


Throw all the ingredients into a bowl. In a separate container mix the dressing and pour over the ingredients in the bowl and toss. Best served chilled.

Make this recipe your own. You could easily substitute different cheeses and acids. I like to serve with a pretty basil leaf off to the side.

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Homemade Roasted Marinara Sauce for Canning – Recipe and Tips

Last year I canned the most wonderful marinara sauce. This year I knew I had to recreate it and double the amount. That is tricky because tomatoes can vary from year to year and the types that are available in my area also vary. The optimum variety for marinara in my opinion would be Roma or San Marzano. They have very little water and seeds which makes them perfect for sauce.

The tomatoes I had on hand this year were run of the mill “canning” tomatoes. But a little extra time cooking down the sauce will make these work. Last year I had Roma tomatoes and canned them directly from the blender without cooking them down. That is the joy of a good Roma.

I love roasting the ingredients because the char on the tomatoes and the jammy sweetness adds a wonderful layer of flavor in the sauce.

Dried herbs work best if you decide to use any at all. Keep in mind herbs can magnify when canned so be light handed with them if you decide to add them.

I do not peel or seed my tomatoes. Life is short and a good blender will take care of these. If I were canning just tomatoes and not sauce, I would peel the tomatoes.

Tomatoes in general are a good starting point for beginner canners because a simple water bath is all that is required- no pressure cooker needed.

I am a big lover of Ball jars and lids. Canning is a lot of work and you don’t want to waste your time, effort and vegetables on thin jars and cheap lids. Most local hardware stores carry canning supplies you will need and I encourage you to visit your local hardware store. As with everything, the cost of supplies is increasing, so if you find a good deal, snatch it up. I have found great deals on ball jars on FaceBook marketplace and just friends and family that want to get rid of some jars. I DO NOT reuse my lids. Once I “pop a top” I throw the lid away. I have purchased plastic lids that fit canning jars to use for storage, etc and I love them. If you are trying to decide between using regular jars or wide mouth, this is important to know- canners hold less wide mouth jars at a time. Wide mouth jars are a little more expensive and cannot always be found. I have a few that I choose to use for storage and quick pickles. Otherwise, I use the standard Ball canning jar.

I do follow Ball canning recommendations 99 percent of the time. Ball is the gold standard for canning and they have some great books with step by step instructions. If you are just getting started, I recommend purchasing one.

People that do not follow recommended guidelines are referred to as “rebel” canners. Here is my take on this. We all do what we have been taught to do by our mothers and grandmothers. It’s your kitchen. You make the rules of your kitchen. My grandmother was a rule follower and I chose to follow in her footsteps. I see so many arguments and confrontations over rebel canning methods. To each their own. Again, life is short, stay in your lane (kitchen).

Because I am adding other ingredients into my marinara (onions, green peppers) I am potentially lowering the acidity of the contents of the jar. Lower acidity contents require pressure canning. Coincidentally, I always add red wine vinegar to any tomatoes I cook or can. In my opinion it enhances the flavor of tomatoes immensely. I add 2tsps red wine vinegar to each jar, raising the acidity level back to appropriate water bath standards. If you are worried about this issue the solution is easy- you can just pressure can your marinara. Your kitchen and you make the rules.

I like to keep my sauce simple. It is easy after you open a jar to boost the flavor profile by adding additional herbs to align with the dish you are making.

Jars of marina make great gifts. A jar of sauce, a bag of nice pasta and a cute dish towel is a great hostess gift.

Canning Roasted Marinara Sauce

Vine ripened tomato flavor sealed into a jar-a simple blank slate.


1/2 box tomatoes- quartered
3 onions- quartered
2 green peppers- seeded and quartered
12 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/21 tsp dried oregano
2 tsps red pepper flakes


Roast at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until jammy. Place contents into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a large stock pot and add 3 tsp salt and 1/8 cup sugar (optional). Cook down if needed and pour into sterilized quart jars. Add 2 tsps red wine vinegar to each quart jar. Water bath for 45 minutes.

If making a larger batch, you can cook it down in an electric turkey roaster.

Make this recipe your own. Add carrots for a sweeter, milder sauce. Omit all the extras and herbs and can just tomato sauce.

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  1. Keto Queen Recipes – Grab My Keto Queen Recipe Book – Over 50 Keto Recipes

    great post – thanks !!

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Five Years

It is the golden benchmark in a cancer journey when your odds for recurrence decrease significantly. My five year mark is Tuesday, May 21, 2024. To be honest, I didn’t think I would be here five years later. When you are diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer you are always trying to prepare yourself for “the comeback”.

The first year I just tried to survive. The treatments, surgery and radiation were a blur. My faith was tested and strengthened significantly.

The second year I spent worrying. I found myself constantly organizing and trying to prepare my home and those around me to operate smoothly without me. I started a blog about my journey which was therapeutic. I began organizing my recipes and trying to write down the ones in my head so Logan would have them. I was on a mission that kept me busy and occupied.

The third year I spent trying to find my new normal and dealing with the lasting effects of chemo- neuropathy, lymphedema and short-term memory loss. It was at the three-year mark I realized I just might make it. I started doing more of the things I loved to do- write, cook, entertain & garden. I started making time for myself.

The fourth year I was on a quest to get healthy. To focus on what I was eating and the quality of ingredients- grass fed beef, free range chicken, locally grown produce. I began canning my own food just like my Memaw Young taught me. I built raised beds, began making tinctures from my herbs, and drying my herbs. I sought out alternative treatments for neuropathy which led me to acupuncture and meditation and eventually to 5 months of sobriety.

My sobriety…I have always loved wine. I have written blogs about wine, I have traveled and drank wine in all the best places, I love how it looks, how it smells, how it makes me forget my worries and numbs me in all the right places. And those last two thoughts are the issue. I don’t want to be numb anymore. I don’t want to forget. My sobriety is centered around two thoughts, first- your body only has so much healing power and if it is constantly healing from the alcohol, then you are depriving yourself from your healing potential. Second, I have a desire to live in the moment, to experience all the great things from life I possibly can, and I want to remember and relish the memories.  I don’t want to forget about my cancer journey. I am a true believer that negative history not remembered will be repeated. So, I choose to honor and remember my cancer journey accordingly.

As a side note to my sobriety- Friday night I decided to have 1 glass of wine and broke my 5 month streak. It didn’t taste nearly as good as I remembered, I was up til 3am because I couldn’t sleep, I had terrible heartburn, I have had a two day headache and my joints are very achy and my lymphedema is flaring up. Needless to say, that glass was not worth it. However, I don’t want my friends to worry-even sober, I will still be the loud friend with the most inappropriate comments spewing out of my mouth.  My lack of wine will not change my ability to say exactly what I think.

So today is five years. I am definitely not the person I was before my cancer journey began. Cancer changes you. Yes, of course there are lots of negatives. But there are some really good positives. I have met some wonderful people. Women that reached out providing answers and comfort for me when I was in need. And women I have reached out to when they needed some reassurance and someone to listen. The pink sisterhood is a real, wonderful blessing.

Two weeks ago, I had my five year check up with Dr. Tran at Tennessee Oncology. I cannot even begin to calculate how many appointments and hours I have been spent in their office. It takes special people to work in oncology and I admire and respect them all. My next appointment is in one year- and only those that have walked this walk know the absolute joy I felt in achieving that milestone.

Please remember to schedule your mammogram and remind those you love to schedule one, too. I skipped two mammograms and if I had skipped one more year, I would not be here today. I would not have made it another year. There are many different types of breast cancer, some more aggressive than others. Great strides are being made every day in research and development of new drugs. The key is early detection. For those of you that do not have health insurance or cannot afford screening, there are low cost and no cost mammograms available. In our area, the MaryEllen Locher Breast Center has a mobile mammogram unit that services several counties in East Tennessee.

Today, I find joy in the simple things. I have found peace in my garden among the vegetables and flowers. My family is the most important thing in my life, they are a wonderful bunch of craziness, my biggest cheerleaders, and they bring me the most joy. I’m not a professional cook or gardener. I am not a homesteader. I am a southern city girl who was raised in the country in a simpler time.

I have learned every day is a gift, a gift that should not be taken lightly or taken for granted. I have learned kindness and grace are important attributes in living a full life. I have learned that how you make others feel is how you will be remembered.

Right before my diagnosis, Jay and I were talking about going to Italy and obviously, we had to put that on hold. So, in a few weeks, we will depart on a 5 Year Cancerversary celebratory trip to Italy and Greece for 14 days. We have been planning for this trip for the last two years. We booked it on my 3 Year Cancerversary date.

I have no idea what the next five years will look like. But for now, I will celebrate the days I have been given to the best of my ability and you should, too.

#keepingthefaith #gozastrong #getyourmammogram

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Thanksgiving Dressing

Most families have their own dressing recipe handed down through the years. Some incorporate oysters, chestnuts, dried stuffing mix and list can go on and on. This is my family’s dressing that we have enjoyed for many years. The base is entirely cornbread, specifically my Memaw’s cornbread. It is a cake like cornbread that works beautifully for dressing.

I sometimes double the recipe for a crowd and it always turns out great. It is a great pairing with my Bourbon Cranberry Sauce. I even have a favorite large lodge skillet that works perfectly for a double batch.

Thanksgiving Dressing

This is the dressing I have grown up with and it is pure comfort food at its finest.


9-10 cups cornbread.
2 cups diced celery
3 cups diced onions
1tsp sage
2 1/2 tbsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
3 eggs
3-4 cups chicken broth


Crumble the cornbread and set aside. Saute celery and onions in the butter. Add in the spices and saute for another minute or so, allowing the spices to “bloom’. Pour over the cornbread mixture. Add in the eggs and broth. Place in a large pan at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Make this recipe your own. You could easily add in garlic, cayenne pepper, biscuits, etc. It is great left over the next day. We usually make turkey sliders with dressing on rolls.

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Strawberry Tres Leche Cake

This recipe came about because I love a good, moist cake. Tres Leche, which translates into “three milks”, is the most wet, moist cake you will find. I am not a fan of the traditional Tres Leche cake because I am not a fan of cinnamon. I know that is shocking, but I literally hate cinnamon. And I can taste it and smell it a mile away. This is a very easy dessert to make- a simple box mix and you make it the day before. And I love anything I can make the day before!

This is also what many call a “poke” cake. You poke holes all in it and then pour goodness over it to soak into the cake. It is also a great cake to take to a potluck and you can prepare it in a disposable pan.

Strawberry Tres Leche

A simple make ahead dessert the entire family will love.


1 large container of strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
1 box of yellow or white cake mix
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk, use at least 1/2 the can, or the entire can
1 container cool whip


Slice the strawberries and add the sugar. Smash or chop the strawberries into the sugar and let sit. Follow the directions on the cake box however instead of adding water, substitute milk. Bake in a 9X13 pan. When cake is done, poke holes all over the top of the cake and pour over the strawberries, sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk. Cover and let sit overnite in the fridge. Top with cool whip before serving.

Make this recipe your own. You could easily substitute blueberries, peaches, etc for the strawberries. I also like to save a few pretty berries for the top.

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How I Ended Up With 98 Tomato Plants

First, you need to know my background. Growing up my family had a garden. My Papaw Young lived in the country and had a large garden with his best friend, Glen Tinsley. The garden was large enough to feed all their families, friends and neighbors. Most weekends were spent with my Memaw and Papaw Young. I was their first grandchild and could do no wrong. They snagged me whenever they could which meant I was raised in the garden. It was all I knew. One of my first memories in the garden was sitting in the middle of their strawberry patch eating warm, sweet strawberries right from the vine- that was probably 1974. I even remember falling asleep in the garden once or twice and Memaw swooping me up under her arm and carrying me to the front porch. If we weren’t in the garden, we were in the kitchen canning or on the porch hulling peas or breaking beans.

Memaw got sick in 1989 and the garden slowly came to a halt. And life happened. I got a full time job and the garden life became a thing of the past. I still grew a few tomatoes over the years- that’s what southern women are suppose to do.

Today, I find myself with a little more time on my hands. In my 50s, I find myself reflecting on the things that bring me joy and vowing to do more of them. Sometimes the hardest part of doing what you love is determining what you love. I find the things I love to do are things that brought me happiness and wonderful memories as a child. My Memaw taught me how to cook and she loved feeding everyone. I love to cook and I love to have people over and cook for them. So it was only natural I would eventually find my way back to the garden.

When I had breast cancer in 2019, I found it important to take a long look at my food and what I was putting in my body. This led me to farmers’ markets and growing my own herbs and making a few tinctures. It wasn’t until 2023 that I went full out with 2 small raised garden beds in the middle of my small city yard. I began canning tomatoes which sparked a canning run of tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, roasted marina sauce, green beans, zesty bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, pinto beans, northern beans, corn, salsa… you get the picture. My canning run had a very positive impact on my weekly grocery bill. Full disclosure, I did not grow all the things I canned in my small raised beds, but they were all from local farmers. And I can’t even describe to you the joy I feel every time I pop a top of a jar of crushed tomatoes and smell the absolute vine ripened goodness before me. I also began preserving my bounty of herbs which I can’t believe it took me this long to do. When I tell you my dried oregano, thyme and frozen basil tastes like fresh, I really, really mean it. Not anything like the dried stuff you buy at the supermarket.

So this year I wanted to expand my beds. I am still on the raised bed learning curve. The beds I had last year were two 3X5 beds. Lesson #1: even number widths are better. 2 feet is a good width for 1 row, 4 feet is good for 2 rows. Not a solid rule, as you can plant things amongst your rows as you see fit, but for me I have decided to merge my two beds together to make it 6X5, still probably not the perfect size, but merging them was better than redoing the entire thing and it gives me more planting space.

My seedlings did not do well last year. I have a porch on the south side of my home so I do not have good indoor natural light. So this year I bought some fairly inexpensive grow lights from Amazon. I zip tied them to a wire rack and essentially made a growing rack. When I tell you the grow lights have been a game changer…my goodness. So this is where my joy overshadowed my logical thinking. There were so many tomato choices. And I remember my Papaw growing different types, so of course, I wanted to try so many because I can’t really remember my favorites.

In trying to educate myself, I have learned there are determinate and indeterminate tomato plants. Determinates are more “bushy” and have a determined height they grow to. Indeterminates are more like a vine and can be trellised.

I have also learned there are different ways to “support” tomato plants. There are tomato cages, which are my least favorite, there are trellises, there is a string method…the list goes on and on and there are lots of videos online to demonstrate.

So, back to the seeds. The first pack I grabbed were Early Girls. Hence their name, they are the first to produce. I also grabbed a pack of Brandy Wine, Better Boys, and Celebration. My favorites last year were cherry tomatoes, so I grabbed three varieties of those, Large Cherry, Super Sweet Cherry and Sweeties.

I already had many containers on hand to start the seeds, but obviously not enough, so I ordered a few more. Still a lot of joy…still short on logic.

Because of my joy… I also planted my seeds around Valentine’s Day. Which is pretty early for seed starting. Which meant yesterday, February 25, I already had to up pot them (move them from the small seed starting tray to a larger pot). And this was when I paused to count them…98 happy, healthy and strong tomato plants. Disclaimer- I also have other seedlings, basil, oregano, chives, cayenne pepper, thyme, dill… you get the picture.

So logically, I need more raised beds? Of course, I do. Instead of making them, I ordered a couple of 4X8 beds with excellent reviews and a decent price for the size. Did I mention I have also determined my original beds may not have been deep enough, so I am building them up making the depth 2 feet? Bottom line- I am going to need a pile of dirt in my near future.

As for my husband, Jay, I think I amuse him. He just laughs and asks me what I need. Although he did put his foot down when he saw a mason jar filled with water and banana peels on the counter. He said, “I love you, but whatever that is, I am not eating it.” And I just smiled and told him it was fertilizer for the tomatoes. I have hinted that some rock around the raised beds would look really nice and Saturday he asked me when we were going to get the rock. When I tell you he is my biggest cheerleader, I am understating that fact.

I have learned many things in my 54 years. I am learning to do more of what I love and I have also added digging in the dirt to my list. And if you see me at the farmer’s market this year in my overalls, selling tomato plants for $1, just smile and waive. I am still learning and full of joy.

One response to “How I Ended Up With 98 Tomato Plants”

  1. Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides – united kingdom – Get Fit While Eating Delicious Foods Grab My Keto-Diet-Recipes Cookbook –

    nice article…. gave your blog a like !

    Stay Blessed – Mel
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An Open Mind…for Healing

When was the last time you did something for the first time? When was the last time you really tested and stretched your comfort zone? The answer for me is very recently- two weeks ago.

I have been struggling with health issues related to chemo. In 2019, I was diagnosed with Stage 3b Triple Negative Breast Cancer. From there I opted for a double mastectomy followed by chemo and radiation. I am now 4+ years NED (no evidence of disease) and needless to say, I am very glad to be here and thankful and grateful for the life I have.

I, like many others, having lingering effects of chemo that will never reconcile, the most frustrating being short term memory loss, neuropathy and lymphedema. For the lymphedema, mine is mild and can be addressed with lymphatic massage at the moment. I am lucky in that respect and I know it. The neuropathy is the thorn in my side. I haven’t been able to feel below the knee in quite some time. Sometimes I fall and it is scary. I am constantly worried that in 5-10 years, I won’t even be able to walk without assistance. It started with my toes and continues to get worse with each year. And this year…the pain came. I have tried to endure it, but it is so hard. For the last few months, I have resorted to one pill a night for pain just so I can sleep.

I love my primary care physician, Dr. Sheikh, and he has talked to me about what to expect with the neuropathy and the next course as things worsen will be taking gabapentin. I know the gabapentin will only mask the pain and I would really like to heal, not just treat the symptoms. So I began some research and started on a journey of educating myself about possible ways to heal the neuropathy and that led me to acupuncture. With my medical history, I always consult my doctor first. And when I asked my doctor about it, he encouraged me to explore it and seemed excited I was open to the idea. He asked me to report back on my progress.

I will be the first to admit, I do not know much about eastern medicine. I also had a frightening childhood experience with needles at Dr. Appling’s office. As most children are, I was terrified of needles. On this particular day he sent the nurse in to draw blood. I made a fist, curled up in a tight ball and screamed and the nurse held me down and cut my big toe open to get the blood. Those nurses in the 70’s didn’t mess around. It’s funny now…not funny then.

The thought of something like acupuncture helping me really got me excited. I talked to my friend Michelle about it, she is a nurse practitioner, and she encouraged me by sharing a success story she knew about first hand. The bottom line was I didn’t have anything to lose.

The next step was finding someone. There are many letters after peoples names, and I did not have a clue what any of them meant. One night when I couldn’t sleep, I was googling acupuncturists and reading reviews and came across Yin Yang House in Chattanooga.

I was familiar with the business as they are one of the few places that offer lymphatic massage and I have used their services and were very pleased. Everyone there was always very professional and kind and it was very clean (I am a little OCD about cleanliness). I noticed they had added to their staff line-up and that is where I first read about Xiao Rice. She has many letters after her name and I still don’t know what they all mean, but in her biography on the website it mentioned she specializes in acupuncture for pain management and oncology supportive care and that got my attention. It also mentioned she grew up in China and was the daughter of an acupuncturist. And well, I just thought that was really cool. So right there, in the middle of the night, I made my first appointment online.

She was very upfront with me, we were going to try to wake up the nerves in my feet and legs. Sometimes the nerves react and sometimes they do not. She recommended we start with six treatments to see how I responded.

In hindsight, I have to tell you, I expected the needles to be in my feet and legs, so I was caught off guard when she began with my ear and head. After several needles were applied in and around my ear something very strange happened…I began to feel a tingle in the toes on my right foot. The right foot that I have not felt in 4 years. I was stunned and I am not easily stunned. She continued on…there were lots of needles, but they were so small, I could only feel a slight twitch occasionally- no pain.

After all the needles were inserted she placed an infrared light on my feet, turned out the overhead lights and instructed me to meditate and envision the energy going from my head to my toes and my hands. The meditation part is probably 20 minutes and there is some light mandarin music playing the in the background.

I would like to say this about meditation- I would have never attempted it on my on, the acupuncture forced me into it. I pride myself on multitasking and being efficient. Sitting in one place doing nothing just wasn’t my cup of tea. However after doing it several times now, I feel like we should all be doing it. And doing more of it. I think our bodies need it. I think our minds need it. I think our souls need it. There is so much stimulation around us, TVs, phones, etc., we need to quiet the noise and ground ourselves.

Xiao was very kind and professional and took a lot of time with me on my first appointment explaining everything. She gave me bags of Chinese herbs and suggested I soak my feet in warm water with the herbs every night.

So as of today, I have had three appointments and I can report tremendous success. Not only can I feel my toes, feet and legs, I have discontinued my nightly pain pill.

In full transparency, when I was researching neuropathy, I discovered my alcohol use was probably not helping the situation. I love wine, I love talking about wine, shopping for wine, blogging about wine, I love all the things surrounding wine. But I decided on this journey I was going to have put wine on the back shelf. Do I miss it? Hell, yes. Can I live without? Yes. Have I drank my last bottle? Probably not, but for now I have. My body is healing and I feel good. I don’t want to compromise that. I made that decision prior to my first visit but Xiao supported the decision and said I needed all my energy to go to healing the neuropathy, not healing from the alcohol. And that just made good sense.

I have no idea what the future holds for me. None of us do. I do know I am going to keep cooking and gardening, spending time with those I love most and living my best life- and making time for some much needed meditation. I am still going to acupuncture and as soon as I publish this blog I am going to make another appointment for a lymphatic massage. My life does look a little different than I had envisioned, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

And I am still educating myself on eastern practices as I find what I have experienced recently nothing short of fascinating. I am keeping my mind open and look forward to the road ahead.

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Canning Tomatoes

I grew up with a huge garden at my Memaw’s house, probably close to a full acre garden. Summer weekends were spent harvesting vegetables and preserving for year round use. We sat on the front porch breaking beans, topping strawberries, hulling peas and cutting okra. We couldn’t all fit in the kitchen, and with the canner going on the stove, it was hotter inside than out. Papaw Young wouldn’t let you turn the air conditioner on until the sun went down. That was a rule. So the front porch was where we all wanted to be.

I can remember many things about those days- except the actually canning. Memaw was always afraid the canner would blow up on me, so when the canning started, I was exiled back out to the porch. So I have always been terrified of a pressure cooker, until recently. The good news is you don’t need a pressure canner for tomatoes!

I have vowed to learn or remember all the ins and outs of preserving. It is amazing the memories that have come back to me over the last few weekends in the kitchen. Before we get into the actual canning of tomatoes, I need to share an old wives tale, which my entire family 100% believes- if a female is having her monthly period and is in the kitchen during the canning process, the tomatoes will not seal properly. I learned this the hard way when I was 15 years old, when my Memaw asked everyone in the kitchen if anyone was on their period, just to double check. I didn’t say anything…mom glared at me… and I said “me”, and I was banished from the house. I can promise you every tomato canning season from there on out, I said I was having my period, whether I was or not.

For beginners, you need to know there is a canning bible, it is actually the Ball Blue Book of Preserving/Canning. There are many updated publishings of it over the years and it contains lots of valuable info. In an effort of full disclosure, please know I have read three versions recently, dug out all my Memaw’s canning recipes, had a crash course of canning with my friend, Michael Poore, and watched hundreds of TikTok videos. In the last three weeks I have canned 58 quarts of green beans, 24 quarts of tomatoes, 28 pints of spicy bread and butter pickles and 12 pints of dill pickles. I am not an expert. I do not know everything there is about canning. But I would love to share what I know.

There is only one rule you need to know- You can’t put cold things in hot jars and vice versa. You can’t put cold jars in hot water and vice versa. Cold goes with cold. Hot goes with hot. I know this sounds like 6th grade science, but I promise you, I tested this a few days ago…it didn’t go well.

You will need supplies. I have two large dishpans, a water bath quart canner (it is not my Memaw’s, but it looks exactly like the one she had- black enamel with white specks). I also purchased a canning kit from Amazon that had a canning funnel, magnetic lid pick up stick, and several other things that have been extremely useful. And of course there are lots of canning books on the market. You will also need jars. When you purchase jars, they come with a lid and a ring. The jars and rings are reusable. The lids are recommended for one time use. So go ahead and buy some extra lids when you find them. I prefer Ball, Kerr or Golden Harvest jars. I have ran across some other brands that are less expensive but they also seem thinner.

Now, to the tomatoes. You want really ripe tomatoes. I picked up two boxes this weekend at the Delano Market. The slicing tomatoes (pretty tomatoes) were $20 a box. The canning tomatoes (not so pretty and not uniform in size) were $10 a box. You can yield around 12 quarts of tomatoes from a box. If the tomatoes are not really ripe, you can bring them home and set them on the counter for a few days to reach their peak.

The acid content in tomatoes is high, so you have your choice between several methods:

  1. You can put your semi cooled tomatoes in the jars, put the lid on and water bath for 20 minutes.
  2. You can put your boiling tomatoes in jars right out of boiling water, put the lid on and done (Michael Poore’s method).
  3. You can put your semi cooled tomatoes in the jars, put the lid on and water bath for 40 minutes (canning bible method).

Due to the high acid content, pressure canning is not needed.

There are many controversies around canning. I am going to tell you what I do. And you do what you want to do.

Controversy #1: Sterilizing vs. Sanitizing. Some people sterilize their jars (submerge and boil them for several minutes). Some people sanitize their jars (dishwasher on sanitize cycle). When I do tomatoes, I sterilize the jars, because I want them extremely hot when I put the tomatoes in the jar to accomplish method #2. So I take the jar right out of the hot water and fill them.

Controversy #2: With the many varieties of tomatoes today, and the many different acid levels, the canning bible recommends adding citric acid or lemon juice to each jar. I don’t know if I buy into that theory, however just in case, I add 1 tsp of red wine vinegar into each jar. Red wine vinegar is fabulous with tomatoes and it couldn’t hurt.

Here are the steps I take to can crushed tomatoes in quart jars:

  1. Wash the tomatoes. I dumped a box into the sink and filled it with water. You can even put a splash of vinegar in the water if you want them squeaky clean. Drain the water in the sink and then place the stopper back into sink. Leave the tomatoes in the sink.
  2. Cut an X on the bottom of each tomato.
  3. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Pour the boiling water over the tomatoes in the sink and let them set for 5-15 minutes until the skin begins to peel off of the tomato.
  4. Peel the tomatoes, core the tomatoes and cut into quarters, wedges, chunks, however you would like them.
  5. Place jars into the water bath canner and fill with water, bring to a boil (if you have had water, add a splash of vinegar).
  6. Place tomatoes in a large pot and cook on medium heat for 15-20 minutes, skimming the “tomato foam” from the top and discarding. Stir often.
  7. Place your lids in a small pot of water to boil.
  8. You can begin to can the tomatoes at this point, or you can use an immersion blender to make crusted tomatoes, or tomato sauce.
  9. Remove hot jar from the water bath canner. Insert the canning funnel into the hot jar, scoop the tomatoes into the jar, leaving approximately 1 inch of head space at the top of the jar.
  10. Take a paper towel and place a splash of white distilled vinegar on the towel. Wipe the top of the jar clean.
  11. Add 1 tsp canning salt or kosher salt. Just make sure your salt does not contain iodine.
  12. Add 1 tsp red wine vinegar (optional).
  13. Add your warm lid, add your ring and use your fingers to tighten, not your whole hand. This is referred to as “finger tight”.
  14. Set the completed jar to the side and do not move or touch for 12-24 hours. You will hear them pop and seal.
  15. You can press the top of each lid the next day to make sure they have sealed. If for some reason, you have a can that did not seal, store it in the fridge and use the contents in the next couple of days.
  16. If you find the tomatoes and the juice separate in the jar, just tip the jar upside down and back up. This will mix the contents back up and it will usually stay mixed.

Store your canned tomatoes, in a cool, dark place. I have a finished basement, and I have some large shelves there that are perfect for storage.

I hope you enjoy canning as much as I have. I love knowing exactly what is in the food I am serving myself and my family.

5 responses to “Canning Tomatoes”

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  5. […] good idea if you are starting out to do some research. I consult the Ball Blue Book quite often. I water bath tomatoes, pickles and fruit (high acid content). I pressure can everything else. Everyone is entitled to […]

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