My Truth

There is something that happens when bad news surfaces. There is a race to tell it first. And when it comes to social media, it can actually create a fiasco. I have to admit, I have always been a social creature. You can find me on all the social media platforms and yes, at times I tell too much of myself, but I usually overshare when humor is involved and in my life that is most of the time.

When I received the news of my breast cancer, I was overwhelmed. At first, I did not post. I just crawled in a hole. Then I started getting calls and texts. And so many people had heard conflicting things about my diagnosis and treatment plan that I decided to post it and put it out there. I never intended to have a social media campaign or force for early detection of breast cancer. It was something that just came to be and took on a life of its own.

One thing you need to know about me- I am honest to a fault. I have always found it easier to speak the truth and many times I try to do that with a sense of humor. So, I laid it all out- the good, the bad and the ugly. I have triple negative breast cancer. I need prayers. I will have a bilateral mastectomy first due to the rapid growth rate of the cancer, followed by chemo and radiation. And then I told my truth- I had skipped two years of mammograms. And I pleaded for everyone to get checked.

And there it was, in black and white, my truth. I had done this to myself. While I was out gallivanting around, enjoying life and not making time to take care of myself, I let this happen. I had spent so much time trying to take care of everyone around me and everything around me, I forgot about myself.

I thought for quite some time that day about hashtags and I picked two that I still use to this day-#getyourmammogram and #keepingthefaith. I would later add another that my creative friend Kathy came up with – #gozastrong.

After the first post was complete, I felt a large sense of relief. Everyone knew. Everyone knew the truth. It was my story and I wanted to tell it. I wasn’t sure where it would lead but I knew that someone needed to hear it. I felt that in my gut. Someone needed those words.

I knew something good could come out of my journey. I wasn’t sure what, but I desperately needed something good to transpire. I truly believe good things come from truth. So here I am.

Published by

Christy Young Goza

Wife, mom, aunt, daughter, river lover, wine drinker, Jesus loving Tennessee girl.

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