Strawberry Trifle

Never underestimate a good trifle. I have taken this to dinners, parties and picnics and it is good every, single time.

I am not a baker. I love to cook but baking is more of a science, so I leave the baking to my daughter, Logan, who is a tremendously talented baker- thank goodness, because we needed one badly in the family. So, when Logan is unable to work her magic in the kitchen, I always pull out the trifle recipe.

It is also Jay’s favorite dessert, and just happened to be his birthday “cake” this year. Also, please note, even though it is a Strawberry Trifle, I could not help but throw in some plump, just picked, blueberries I had on hand. You can honestly put just about anything in a trifle.

Do not stress out if you do not have a glass trifle bowl. I have thrown this into a disposable aluminum pan many times. But it is exceptionally pretty in a glass trifle bowl.

Strawberry Trifle

This strawberry dessert is simple and can be made the day before. It requires no cooking and can be adapted easily with any fruit. It is also my husband's favorite dessert.


1 16 ounce whipped topping
1 1.5 ounce instant vanilla pudding. Prepare according to directions on the box.
2 lbs strawberries, sliced
1 angel food cake cut into cubes


Layer in this order: cake, pudding, fruit, whipped topping- and repeat. I like to throw a few additional strawberries on top to let everyone know what is inside.

Make this recipe your own. Use sugar free pudding and sugar free whipped topping. Use pound cake. Use cherry pie filling. I even made a fabulous trifle at Easter with carrot cake and instant cheesecake pudding. The possibilities are endless.

1 Comment

  1. Slow Cooker Ham

    April 5, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    […] the carrot cake trifle, I use my old faithful Trifle Recipe and in place of the vanilla pudding I use cheesecake pudding, and in place of angel food cake I use […]

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