Butternut Squash and Kale

I have never met a green I didn’t like, however I will admit, I was late to the kale train. But now, I love it so much, I try to find ways to incorporate it into dishes. You may find kale to be bitter and that is not unusual, but there is a secret to toning down the bitterness- massage the greens. Yes, that is not a misprint and I know you aren’t suppose to play with your food, but in this case it works magic. Throw your cleaned and cut kale greens into a bowl and squeeze them, you can be rough with them, they can take it.

And yes, kale in the bag, already cut, is perfectly fine. I use the bags when I can find them. Just be sure and wash them, as sometimes greens can be a bit sandy.

My mom lives across the street and recently she brought me a huge bag of dried cranberries (she did not like them). So I have been throwing them into salads and whatever else I can think of. They really work in this dish and when you saute them for a minute or so, they plump a little and add a burst of sweetness that goes well with the other vegetables.

Be careful when cutting the butternut squash. Some people like to microwave it a minute or two before slicing to make it easier. I just try to break it down into smaller sections before I remove the skin. You can now buy bags of butternut squash already cubed. Those will work just fine to roast.

This is one of the prettiest side dishes I have made. And I am certain it will make its way onto my Thanksgiving table this year.

I paired this dinner with a bottle of Vennstone, a dry pinot noir by Joe Wagner. It is smooth, low tannins with hints of cherry. It is an excellent wine if you love dry, which I do. At $20 a bottle, it is a great wine for the price. It drinks like a much more expensive bottle. I like the heavy cabs and my husband likes the grapey merlots. We meet in the middle often with a pinot noir. And I am beginning to prefer them!

It has a Vivino rating of 4.1. Anything 4 and over is excellent. I have used the Vivino wine rating app for years and it is a great way to find out what you like and find more bottles you like. I walk around the liquor store scanning bottles and reading details.

Butternut Squash and Kale


1 butternut squash, cut into small cubes
8 oz chopped kale (1/2 bag)
1 red onion, sliced
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup dried cranberries
Olive oil
Salt and pepper


Toss the butternut squash with 2 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. Set aside.

In a pan, heat olive oil. Saute the red onions for 2-3 minutes. Add the garlic for 1 minute. Add the balsamic vinegar. Toss in the kale and cranberries and cook for 1-2 minutes, until just wilted. Add salt and pepper. Toss in roasted butternut squash.

Make this recipe your own. , add walnuts or pecans, swap out the dried cranberries for dried cherries. Add some spice with cayenne pepper. You could even swap out the balsamic vinegar for maple syrup. Lots of options!

Published by

Christy Young Goza

Wife, mom, aunt, daughter, river lover, wine drinker, Jesus loving Tennessee girl.

4 thoughts on “Butternut Squash and Kale”

  1. Sustain | sustain-blog.com – London UK – Reducing impacts on climate change while achieving the conditions of sustainability is the aim of the Sustain blog. News, features, nature stories, alien letters and more are in this blog, which unfolds in the pandemic of coronavirus that we are facing today. Sharing this on Twitter @SustainableUni1 and LinkedIn, I launched it on 24 March 2020. Now it has over 100 posts. Enjoy!
    Sustain | sustain-blog.com says:

    It must be delicious. Thank you ?

  2. Pingback: Thanksgiving 101

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